事業模式 (business model) 決定你的事業,是否能具備獨特之處。尤其身處動盪的時代,營造出獨特的事業模式,將是身為一個有效能的經營者,責無旁貸的關鍵任務。
法國專門研究創新的管理學者凱倫˙吉羅特拉(Karan Girotra)、以及蘇格˙奈特西(Serguie Netessine)指出,事業模式定義即是:
Drawing on the idea that any business model is essentially a set of key decisions that collectively determine how a business earns its revenue, incurs its costs, and manages its risks, we view innovations to the model as changes to those decisions: what your offerings will be, when decisions are made, who makes them, and why. Successful changes along these dimensions improve the company’s combination of revenue, costs, and risks.
想發展成功的事業嗎? 不妨參考這兩位法國學者的精闢見解!
1. 三大管理定律(1) 墨菲定律
2. 三大管理定律(2) 帕金森定律
3. 三大管理定律(3) 彼得原理
4. 左右人生成功機率的關鍵——你是哪一種心智模式?
5. 創業家必看特輯
6. 管理大師精選